And the band
is marching,
It gets sad
when you are on the pavement
Looking at
the shining stars
Yes it
burns, you would never ever understand
You play the
lead, you are the frontman
And I cry
every night cursing the skies
Here comes
another day, will I survive
Rubbing and
brushing and putting some more on
Ah! Ugly, why
do I always try?
And I see them
talking words and things
Beautified much
or is it just fake?
And the new
dawn it just fades
Feeling better
about oneself?
Funny as it
may sound shallow is the concept
As the band
I see the
He sings a
song about life, but what is it that he’s gonna do when he sees the light?
And the
lovers dancing over the fake smiles and the dogs wandering with hollow lies
The pavement
is suddenly less lonely
The fear,
the fright is going with the band
For love it
is within you
It sees
itself sitting next to you
We sit as we
did never before
Talking goes mute
I can hear a distant music
The band it just marched by…